As mentioned in a prior post, during the Craft Supplies class the class had the opportunity to attend an open house at Dale Nish's to see his collection of turnings he's collected over the years. To say this collection was impressive would not do it justice. I'm posting a small amount of the pictures I took just to give you an idea of the quantity and quality on display, but there is many more pictures I took that I just couldn't fit in the post.
In Dale's living room there was 2 good sized display cases of turnings. Some shots below of one of the cases. (I imagine the display cases are a requirement to cut down on the dusting) :-)

A collection of smaller turnings. Most of these are 3-4" tall.

There were also some pieces more prominently on display. Below is a great platter with a beautiful feather inlay.

A very impressive piece from Ray Allen on display. This was a segmented piece approx 2' wide

One of the Signature Puzzle pieces by a gentleman who's name escapes me right now. The bird is not part of the piece but in the background.

One of Dale Nish's unmistakable pieces. It's amazing how he makes a wood platter look so much like basket weave.

A fantastic Segmented piece that was as impressive on the inside as it was from the outside.

A Northfolk pine piece with amazing translucence.

Dale also had an Office full of turned pieces that were simply amazing. Below is a walnut hollow form that I really really like.

I believe this may be one of Rex Burningham's pieces. I really enjoy these natural edge burl cap pieces. The color and shape of them is great.

This is a great segmented piece that was done during a class there at Craft Supplies. After the demo was done, they evidently decided not to part if from the face plate and just leave it as it. A great looking piece like this.

I really liked the embellishment put on this piece. The black portion is a carved wavy 'crack'? that really added to the design of the piece.

I believe this is one of Johannes Michelsen's turned cowboy hats.. these are amazing turned and shaped hats. And weigh less than one from Felt.

I really liked the natural edge top to this hollow form.

Can you see the spider?

Some turned fruit, and mushrooms.

The piece in the bottom right corner is a natural edge rim with a parted away center ball. The amazing part is that the ball is parted from the rim, but still contained in it so that it spins freely but will not separate from the rim.

A very impressive wall hanging segmented piece. Each color variation is a different piece of wood.

Dale pointed out to us that he and his son's built this house he and his wife lives in. This is a picture of the Front door that they made.

And pictures of the collection would not be complete without some of Dales wonderful Birdhouses

and a Shot of Eric holding one of Dale's signature pieces.