The first cake is a creation after a Christmas ornament for some friends of ours. Each year the daughter get's to pick a new Christmas ornament for the tree. The Parents and Daughter liked this years ornament so much they decided to have her Birthday cake made to look like it. It's a Curious George coming out of a present. Everything but the lid is edible, and you can see the actual ornament in the first pic. The main present is all cake, and George is molded out of Rice Crispies.

Next is a cake made for some friends this weekend. Very big Scooby fan so Tammy made it look like Scooby was coming out of the cake. You can see pieces of the frosting breaking open or on his face to add to the effect.

And the final one was for a Baby shower done this weekend as well. Another great looking cake by Tammy with a little baby sleeping on the shape of the moon. They were very pleased with this cake.
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