Amazingly we caught several fish... a couple keepers, mostly let them all go. (Rainbow Trout in case your asking). Kayti and Daddy throwing out the line...

Sitting waiting for those darn fish to do something.

Hey Troy, look what we caught.

Oh yea, the other big event was that Papa and Granma bought Troy a battery powered 4 wheeler. He jumped on this thing like he'd been riding it his whole life and that he planned on staying on it until we told him he had to get off.

The kids also did some rock climbing with Grandma

Back to the Fishing Adventure. While we were standing around waiting for the next fish, we all heard a commotion behind us. Turned around and about 20 feet from us was a Huge Cow moose. We all startled, the moose turned and tried to find an opening to swim across the lake.
You should have seen Tammy yelling at us to be careful, then realizing she had the Camera in Hand and should take a picture... Hence the picture of it Running away. :-D

Fortunately it found a spot to swim across and eventually found a spot to get out as well.

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