Symposium pictures
Instant Gallery pics.
I have included below some of the pieces that stood out to me in the Instant Gallery.
First is a Piece by Stuart Batty. It's made of blackwood and as the natural edge as well as the winged square shape with the bowl turned in it... It's all 1 piece and just amazing looking in the thinness of the piece and quality of the finish and wood.

This was my favorite piece in the show. Done by Paul Stafford who's known for his turnings that incorporate a shape and zipper to look as if it's being zipped open or shut. Below he did something entirely different and I loved it. He turned, carved and then painted an aspen grove. There are multiple layers to this piece and amazing piercing and painting details to make it really look like he's captured the aspen grove. He also has it mounted on a revolving base so that you can admire it from all directions.

Another turning I enjoyed was one by David Nittman, He's very well known for his basket illusions he makes in his turnings, and I really enjoyed the natural edge bottom to this piece.

A really neat Viking ?!? Sailing ship wood turning by Bruce Perry. Very original.

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