Wanted to share some of the pictures from the 2007 Rocky Mountain Woodturner's Symposium. The following are the pictures from the Instant gallery. There was some amazing pieces this year from some very amazing wood turners.
This is a Funeral Urn from Lee Whiteside. It has an octagon middle to it like a bolt. A Very nice piece.

These are some natural edge platter's from Rex Burningham. Also the 3 Peppermills in the background are his as well. He did a demo on these and truly makes fantastic Natural Edge platters.

The next 2 are from Ron Gerton. He made an amazing bowl that was 2 1/2 feet approx across and made for a very striking piece. He came back and wrapped the edge with some sort of resin I believe. As you see in the 2nd picture, he lined the inside of it what I believe to be scroll sawed pieces, letters, and shapes.

This is some very interesting pieces from Trent Bosch. I really appreciate this work as I had the pleasure of attending one of Trent's classes earlier this year. He makes amazing looking knots that are joined with cast brass or metal knots to make the sculpture. You'll also notice the small bowl to the left. That was made by one of his daughters and shown in the gallery.

I very much liked this piece as I'm partial to the copper stands and their use with wood turnings. This was made by Steve Harding and is a great Sphere shape. The one in the background is a Much larger sphere and very impressive as well.

Allen Jensen turned these three pieces, all hollow forms.

I had the pleasure of seeing up close these pieces from H.P. Thode. They may look out of place at a wood turning symposium, however when you find out that these pieces are all to scale versions of these masterpieces which require you to turn all the spindles to accuracy. They suddenly appeal to all wood turners.

Ken Eberle turned these fine pieces of segmented turnings. I had the pleasure of talking with him Sunday morning prior to the symposium opening. He has taken an amazing leaps in his turnings from his first turning lesson's at a RV Park (I believe I recall) to his amazing pieces below. He documents the number of pieces as well as the amount of hours associated with each piece. He is correct when he told me that doing segmented turnings like this definitely takes Patience

Another Piece from Rex Burningham, a fantastic natural edge piece that looks like a comet.

A Pierced turning by Phil Lackey. All the holes are randomly different, as well as becoming less frequent towards the back.

A great piece by Ron Gerton, a Hanging hollow form. Great mixture of what I believe to be metal and wood.

One of David Nittman's amazing basket weave looking pieces. If you have not seen one up close you are missing out. You literally need to be within a foot or less before the basket weave illusion begins reveal itself as something else. He is a master at these pieces. This one is also decorated similarly on the bottom of the piece.

Donald Derry had a very interesting looking Rice Bowl here. Turned, Carved, decorated and formed to make a artistic piece.

Gene Westworth had this square turned lidded bowl for lack of a better description. Some very beautiful wood and detailed details :-) in this piece.

Doug Schnieder turned these hollow forms with voids. His placement of these voids as he shapes the form really add an amazing effect to them.

A few of Gordon Dekrey's Segmented turnings

The Amazing Cindy Drozda's Turnings and the great finiale's on them.

Bud Smith's Hollow forms with "Necklaces". Very neat accents to the piece. I believe I heard he makes these accents himself to work with the form better.

3 of Dave Kaufman's Hollow form's and platters. As you can see it doesn't appear he uses a solid piece of wood for his work. Always has to have some void, which he works very well into his pieces.

Curt Will had this piece on display. It struck me as interesting. Often you hear of natural edge bowls but not often do you see a natural edge hollow form or one that incorporates the bark edge of the tree.

Another one of David Nittman's pieces. This is a Large Striking platter that is approx 2' or more across.

And finally we have some segmented pieces from Curt Thebold. Although it's hard to see the segments with the wood grain and bleaching, but all three are segmented but are blended very well.